Open bite -treated by Invisalign- Dr. George Bardawil,Platinum Provider
An open bite is one dental disorder that is more often than not caused by the patient himself. The basic issue is that the front teeth, both upper and lower are forced outwards to an extent that the teeth of the upper and the lower jaw do not touch each other, even when the mouth is closed. This has several effects.
First, and most prominently, the patient's smile is adversely affected. Often this results in loss of self esteem. The patient could also develop a lisp which, though cute when he is a child, is not so attractive in later years.
Age =21 yrs Old
treatment =Invisalign , 2 Refinment
period of treatment =1.5 yrs
location = Beirut-Hamra
treating Orthododontist =Dr.George Bardawil -Platinum provider bardawil -ORTHODONTIST,, Invisalign Gold premier provider, speciality clinics center, st maamari,12th floor hamra,beirut lebanon Hamra clinic 961-1-747644 Fanar clinic 961-1-873718 mobile 961-3-542724