What is the Right Time for an Orthodontist Check up
Benefits of Early Evaluation:
Orthodontics for kids allows the doctor to monitor your child’s teeth as they grow and age. This regularly monitoring helps prevent future problems and ensures the heath of your little one’s teeth. Other benefits of orthodontics for kids include:- Spot subtle problems with emerging teeth and jaw line while baby teeth are still present.
- Identify any potential problems with your child’s bite while the problem is still treatable.
- Early treatment helps prevent more serious health problems and can help make potential treatments later on in life less complicated.
- Achieve positive results that would not have been otherwise possible once the jaws and face stop growing.
- Early evaluation allows the doctor to choose the optimal time for treatment to begin.
- Early evaluation increases the effectiveness of the treatment.
Signs your Child’s Bite Isn’t Right:
Just because your child’s teeth look straight doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem with their bite. Unfortunately, trying to determine whether or not there is a problem can be difficult without the help of a professional. However, there are a few signs you should be on the lookout for that could that could indicate a problem:- Late or early baby teeth loss
- Breathing through their mouth
- Difficulty biting and chewing
- Misplaced, blocked-out or crowded teeth
- Thumb sucking
- Jaws are too far back or forward
- Protruding teeth
- Biting the cheek
- Biting into the roof of their mouth
- Grinding teeth
- Clenching teeth
- Lower and upper teeth not meeting or meeting in an unusual way
- Unbalanced facial appearance
Dr.George Bardawil -ORTHODONTIST www.drgeorgebardawil.com, info@drgeorgebardawil.com, Invisalign Gold premier provider, speciality clinics center, st maamari,12th floor hamra,beirut lebanon Hamra clinic 961-1-747644 Fanar clinic 961-1-873718 mobile 961-3-542724