Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Are all Clear aligners Similar to Invisalign?


Are All Clear aligners Similar to Invisalign?
BY Dr.George Bardawil

                                                                                            Invisalign Expert Official provider

Clear aligner therapies have become very popular with Invisalign being the most widely known. This is not just the result of good marketing. Here are 5 additional reasons why Invisalign is the CLEAR choice at the top over all current aligners available on the market!
  1. The widest body of clinical research and proven performance and proven results.
  2. The best (patented) diagnostic and 3D treatment planning tools for dentist and patient.
  3. The best resources and expert support available.
  4. The best (patented) materials including non-bisphenol-A (NON BPA) medical grade polyurethane trays.
  5. The best certification training and on-going continuing education programs for Orthodontists.
For these reasons and others, I would choose an Invisalign  provider as they do NOT all use the same techniques and materials. Non-Invisalign provider may entice you by saying it is the same stuff but cheaper, but remember my favorite words of wisdom, "Good dentistry may be expensive, but not as expensive as bad dentistry!"

Dr.george bardawil -ORTHODONTISTwww.drgeorgebardawil.com, info@drgeorgebardawil.com,Invisalign premier provider, speciality clinics center, st maamari,12th floor hamra,beirut lebanon Hamra clinic 961-1-747644 Fanar clinic 961-1-873718 mobile 961-3-542724